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Permutations of a set are rearrangements of its elements. Order matters, so the permutation “abc” is considered different from “acb” even though they have the same letters. (For cases where order does not matter, see the next page.)

Brief Explanation

This page constructs (as opposed to merely counting) the permutations for (modestly-sized) sets. It is a well-known result that for an N-element set, there are N! (N factorial) permutations.

However, this fact does not tell you what those permutations are. In the next section you can list these permutations. The elements in the list will always be words formed with the letters a, b, c, etc.

Try It Yourself

Each bulleted line finds one or more permutations, explained below. To calculate, enter the required numbers in the round text fields, and click the in the same line.



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The next page will demonstrate similar calculations for the cases where order does not matter — that is, for combinations.

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